Self-reliance was the hallmark of Malawians for most of the country's history. Our forefathers had high self-reliance skills to overcome natural and man-made calamities. Only in the last few years, particularly since the mid-1990s have Malawians slipped into the complacent position of letting someone else take care of them. From political leaders, government and civil society organizations to private organizations and individuals, many Malawians have been led down the path of expecting others to take care of them and even do their thinking. This path is not sustainable and is not owned by the people.


Dzidalire to be widely known and recognized in Malawi and the world at large as reliable and inclusive in its planning and action for self reliance.

Mission Statement

  • To empower and help people and their communities to become self reliant by teaching and enhancing skills that can be owned by the people and have their lives changed to maximize self potential and reliance.

  • To use people’s own potential and skills to manage the changing environment, and overcome the adverse effects of disease, poverty, degrading environment and climate change.

  • Out of the harsh world, create opportunities to achieve security, comfort, peace and independence through resource management.


As a non-governmental organization, Dzidalire collaborates with the Malawi Government to improve health, education, and economic standards, starting in Dedza District.

19th June 2024

Action for Progress (AfP),donates office furniture for the new on-site Dzidalire office: Wilson Tembo, AfP’s Country Director, hands over their donation to Dzidalire Foundation's Fiona O'Dala.